To register your interest for this workshop or book a session for your team, Click Here!


“A number of our staff have signed up and attended Julie’s webinar workshops which provide much depth and transferable training, knowledge and skills.

I particularly love the ProSocial Matrix that Julie promotes. We have used this model to engage with staff and volunteers many times. Following the Lockdown, the ProSocial Matrix provided us with a framework to positively engage with staff teams to notice and name, some of the behaviours that were showing up, particularly in times of stress, conflict or misunderstandings.

We found that in using the ProSocial model, teams worked easily with one another and quickly felt at ease to discuss and begin to understand the behaviours that were showing up with one another. This framework made it easier to notice and name what we could do more of or change, in order to get rid of what Julie called the unwanted stuff - the misunderstandings, the miscommunications, and the tensions when we were under pressure. Where we used the ProSocial Matrix in staff training and team meetings, we could easily identify and build upon those behaviours that enable all of us to work toward a shared purpose for ourselves, our teams, the young people and the families we work with.”

Geraldine Stinton, Personnel and Policy Worker at YMCA Ireland

To register your interest for this workshop or book a session for your team, Click Here!

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