It has been inspiring to see so many people taking part in the pre-application workshops for The Ideas Fund.

The two final sessions will be:

Thursday, 18 March - UK wide

Thursday, 25 March - Derry & Strabane area only

In these sessions we will be particularly focused on the role of researchers in the projects and how we can make connections. 

Register now

Catch up with our recent session which explores what mental wellbeing means for communities and researchers.

What is The Ideas Fund?

The Ideas Fund is a grants programme run by the British Science Association and funded by Wellcome, which enables the UK public to develop and try out ideas that address problems related to mental wellbeing.

It offers early stage grants of up to £25,000 and larger grants of around £90,000 in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, Hull, North West Northern Ireland, and Oldham.

It promotes diversity and inclusion by supporting great, innovative ideas that focus on improving mental wellbeing - particularly in rural or minority ethnic communities or amongst young, marginalised or socioeconomically disadvantaged people who have been overlooked in the past.

It helps communities tackle the problems that matter to them by connecting them with research professionals so they can work together to bring their ideas to life and both build new skills and relationships.

Find out more