News, opinion and expertise Urban and rural health blogs Derry City and Strabane Learning City Survey – Setting Priorities We know that a healthy city is one that encourages life-long learners. Studies show that lifelong learners – citizens who acquire new knowledge, skills and attitudes in a wide range of contexts – are better equipped to adapt to changes in their environments. Lifelong learning and the learning society therefore have a vital role to play in empowering citizens and effecting a transition to sustainable societies. That’s why we’re delighted to support Derry City & Strabane Learning City survey and would really encourage you to take five minutes to complete it. Complete the survey The aim of this research is to determine the priorities for the city and stakeholders in light of the pandemic and identify key issues/challenges across sectors in order to find practical solutions in the short term. Complete the survey About learning cities Lifelong learning lays the foundation for sustainable social, economic and environmental development. The idea of learning throughout life is deeply rooted in all cultures. However, it is becoming increasingly relevant in today’s fast-changing world, where social, economic and political norms are constantly being redefined. Learning cities provide lifelong learning opportunities for all ages and at all educational levels through formal, and informal delivery mechanisms, using multiple and flexible learning pathways, entry points and re-entry points. Manage Cookie Preferences