Getting to grips with online platforms and governance Like many organisations, DHC has had to make swift changes in light of the coronavirus pandemic, moving to online delivery to support our users. I wrote this blog after reflecting and researching what platforms to use and additional governance needed and I thought it would be useful to share this with other colleagues. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, GoTo meetings, Cisco Webex and the variety of other video conferencing services have been around for a long time but (oh boy) recently we have had to get to grips quickly with using them all. "Choosing the right platform to use doesn’t always come down to the price." Number of participants, ease of use, ability to record and breakout rooms are just some of the things you need to consider when searching for the right solution for your organisation. As I work with the PHA quality standards, naturally I need to reflect on the additional governance needed. "For a lot of organisations, this is building on arrangements which will already have existed for face-to-face meetings". Three key information governance areas you will want to consider: Meeting preparation Issuance of a privacy statement Safe storage and data protection Professional approach and development for online delivery This can be summarised into the 6 C’s: Competence Communication Contingencies Confidentiality Consent Confidence There’s loads of other things to consider: Is it better to use screen sharing or upload information? Would it be appropriate to record the session? What cybersecurity should you consider? What would a privacy statement for an online session look like? It really all boils down to what is appropriate for the risks that are presented by the service you are delivering. Read more on the ‘Initial scoping of guidance documents available for providing services online’. This also includes a list of links to websites offering a range of guidance. Download now What do you think? I would love to hear from you if there is any additional training in this area that you think would be useful for you or your colleagues. Feel free to comment below. The possibilities offered by new and novel technological solutions is also a key focus of the draft Department of Health's Mental Health Strategy (2021 - 2031) which is currently out for consultation. I would encourage you to have your say and respond to this consultation. Manage Cookie Preferences