PHA Short Term Funding

Northern Ireland

Closed for 2024

About the grant

Fiona Teague, Regional Lead for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing at PHA, said: “Community and voluntary organisations are most acutely aware of the issues that affect people on the ground and this short-term funding programme will give them the opportunity to address issues of mental health and emotional wellbeing specific to their communities.”

“The PHA is keen to invest in programmes that will have a particular focus on using one or more of the ‘Take 5’ Steps to Wellbeing’.  These are five simple steps that we can build into our daily lives to maintain and improve wellbeing – Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning, Give To Others, and Take Notice."

Further information can be found on the Minding Your Head website.

“We are encouraging applicants to work collaboratively to develop innovative projects and most importantly involve local communities in project design.”

The PHA has commissioned the Clear Project to facilitate this process in each Health and Social Care Trust area.

Brenda Morris, Manager of the Clear Project, said: “Short-term funding plays a vital role in supporting programmes within the community. This work can take a range of forms from self-help and life skills initiatives supporting those in need to giving groups the opportunity to develop and build their capacity to help others.”

Types of awards

Two types of awards are available under this scheme.

  • Award One: Funding of up to £1,000 for non-constituted and constituted non-profit taking community / voluntary sector groups.
  • Award Two: Funding of between £1,001 and to a maximum of £5,000 for constituted, non-profit taking community / voluntary sector groups.

There are limited resources available therefore a strict Assessment Criteria will be applied (see general guidance notes).


Applying for a grant

Applications are now closed for 2024

Grant recipient information

Visit the grants recipients information page for more information

Strategic themes

This funding supports a range of strategic themes including:

‘Making Life Better’ (Public health framework)

Protect Life 2 - Suicide Prevention Strategy

Mental Health Strategy