Simple recipes to produce more balanced meals on a budget. Click on the link below to access this handy guide from the WHSCT, ‘Get cooking...making the most of your food parcel’. 

Front cover of recipe bookThis new recipe book from the WHSCT, ‘Get cooking...making the most of your food parcel’, contains simple recipes based on common items that you will find in your food parcel. It gives examples of how these foods can be used to produce more balanced meals on a budget.

In the ‘savvy shopping’ section there are suggestions for budget friendly items that can be bought to add to your food parcel items and give extra flavour. Also, there are recipes for ‘simple sides’ for other side dishes that can accompany the recipes.

The ‘No cook/Low fuel’ section contains recipes which can be made with little or no cooking (using only a kettle or microwave). These are ideal for times when fuel is low and/or when there is little cooking equipment.

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